Seen+Noted: Arjuna The Archer


Arjuna.jpgThis spot won a Silver for Film and Bronze for Film Craft at Adfest this year and last week won a Silver at India’s Goafest.

A short film initiative to revive the Lost Art of Patta Chitra Katha. This became a campaign that refreshed a thousand year old traditional folk art of storytelling in the original visual language, featuring exotic illustrations of characters from ancient Indian Mythology, hand printed on sun dried patta leaves. View the commercial.

The illustrative process involves mixing tamarind seed paste with rice powder and applying it on the patta leaves to create the canvas. And then finding fine natural brushes that are dipped in vegetable colours to imprint each image. 4320 Patta Chitras were hand crafted in the making of this first ever handmade version of The Great Indian Yellow Pages.

In the spot Arjuna the Mythological Archer from the epic “Mahabharatha” decides to use his expertise in archery to strike the business bullseye with his quiver of internet arrows. He moves up from a cycle to a bike to girlfriend to wedding to car to house to bigger house to kids to family, all the while shooting arrows at the bullseye in the sky, in a vivid story that simplifies online yellow pages and encourages online transactions through the life of Arjuna in today’s world.


Executive Creative Director: Senthil Kumar

Copywriter: Senthil Kumar

Art Director: Suresh Eriyat

Illustrators: Original Artists Orissa, Famous Animation Team

Director: Suresh Eriyat

Music: Jolly Joseph

Producer: Sharath Shankar

Prod. House: Famous House Of Animation, Mumbai