Ad Industry comedy/drama to launch on TV
A new six-part tv comedy/drama on the advertising industry is about to launch on The Comedy Channel on Foxtel in Australia.
:30 Seconds, is created and written by Three Drunk Monkeys Sydneyexecutive creative directors Justin Drape and Scott Nowell and ProdigyFilms director Tim Bullock. It will premiere on The Comedy Channel onMonday 7th September. The series – which has the odd mention ofCampaign Brief magazine was produced by Andrew Denton’s production company,Zapruder’s Other Films, exclusively for Foxtel. The production company is behind the highly successful Advertising panel show The Gruen Transfer, which is currently being sold to networks around the world.
ThreeDrunk Monkeys, Sydney is promoting the premiere with a multi-layeredcampaign.The campaignconsists of online, print and outdoor executions, as well as 90-second,60-second and 30-second TV spots, which will air online and on Foxtel.The spots are “vox pop” style clips starring some of the show’s cast incharacter, showing viewers what to expect from :30 Seconds.
An18-minute Behind the Scenes video, featuring interviews with the cast,writers, director and executive director Andrew Denton, will also air onFoxtel and online.
Taking their cue from the scenarios portrayed in the series, the printand outdoor executions feature humorous but realistic lines such as”Launching an ad campaign is like playing darts blindfolded. And eachdart costs around 500 grand” (spoken by the client) and “Yes, we used a14-year-old girl in a cosmetics ad. But she can use the money foreducation” (the copywriter).
Executive director Andrew Denton said: “A series of ads about anadvertising agency created by the advertising agency that created theadvertising agency the ads are about? This time, the Three DrunkMonkeys have gone too far…”
1 Comment
Looks funny.
Is it just me, but is the McBaney version based on a tv producer that used to work at O&M Singapore?
Of course the art director one IS based on every art director I have ever worked with.