John Zeigler, DDB Asia Pacific chairman/CEO joins AME Awards as Asia Pacific Jury President

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John Zeigler AME Asia Pacific Jury President.jpgTheAME Awards for Advertising & Marketing Effectiveness has selectedJohn Zeigler, chairman and CEO of DDB Asia Pacific, Japan & India,as AME Grand Jury President for the Asia Pacific region.

As chairman and CEO, Mr. Zeigler is the leading voice of the DDB Group,Asia Pacific, Japan, & India, and is responsible for 21 agencies in16 countries and more than 2,500 employees.  His philosophy ofreinvention, and what that implies for global brands, will aid him inselecting the 2010 award winners.  He began his career with DDB inAustralia, and served as President and CEO of DDB’s Southeast Asiaregion and President and CEO of DDB Singapore.  Mr. Zeigler has beenresponsible for the strategic growth of DDB Worldwide and its strongpresence and momentum in the Asia Pacific Region.

This year, the AME Awardintroduced regional competitions, allowing entries to be judged withcultural relevance within their own region by jurors with knowledge ofthat particular market. The five regions are Asia Pacific, Europe,Latin America, Middle East & Africa, and North America.

NorthAmerica’s Jury President is the direct marketing icon Stan Rapp,chairman of Engauge, recognized as one of the 101 individuals whoshaped advertising in the 20th century by both Advertising Age and theAdvertising Club of New York. He was Co-Founder and CEO of the largestmarketing services company in America, Rapp Collins Worldwide, and theauthor of the recently published Reinventing Interactive and DirectMarketing.

AME’s illustrious panel of regional Jury Presidentsinclude: Europe, Michael Trautmann, Founder & Owner,kempertrautmann – Germany; Latin America, Pancho Gonzalez, ExecutiveCreative Director, Unitas/RNL – Chile; and Middle East and Africa, RoyMichael Haddad, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, JWT Middle Eastand North Africa – Lebanon.  View a complete list of the 2010 AME GrandJury members for each region HERE.

Nowin its 15th year, the AME Awards for Advertising and MarketingEffectiveness receives entries from over thirty countries honoringcreativity and marketing worldwide. 

The 2010 Advertising andMarketing Effectiveness Awards final deadline has been extended untilDecember 15th, 2009.  For additional information visit AME’s website.