Yahoo! Big Idea Chair Awards honours Asia’s best online advertising campaigns

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BigChair.jpgTwelve online advertising campaigns in Asia were awarded in the inaugural Regional Award category for the Yahoo! 2010 Big Idea Chair Awards in Hong Kong today.

The Big Idea Chair Awards was launched in Hong Kong in 2009 and this is the first year that it was extended to include regional submissions which came from Korea, Taiwan, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam.

In total, over 400 entries were made for the 2010 Big Idea Chair Awards with over 160 entries received for the Regional Award category for Best Engagement Ad, Best Rich Media Ad Front Page, Best Rich Media Ad Inner Page and Best Integrated Campaign.

According to the event host and one of the judges, Alfred Tsoi, Vice President and Managing Director of Yahoo! Hong Kong, “The Yahoo! Big Idea Chair Awards allows us to salute brands that have pushed the boundaries of creative engagement by establishing emotional connections with consumers through entertaining, engaging and interactive online advertisements.”

This year’s panel included Dirk Eschenbacher, Digital Creative Director; Yvette Yanne, Committee Member of the Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong; Vincent Cheung, Committee Member of the Hong Kong Advertisers Association; Steve Lau, Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing and K M Yim, Chairperson of the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing.

Tsoi added, “The winners selected by the judging panel looked at various criteria but above all it was a measure of the creative’s ability to captivate and engage an online audience which is increasingly defined through a very limited attention span. Campaigns that resonated with users, encouraged them to interact with the brand and left a lasting impression were the natural winners. We are delighted to honour them as the pioneers of the Yahoo! Big Idea Chair Regional Awards category.”

“These award winners have demonstrated how they can use Yahoo!’s creative canvas and advertising solutions to shift mind and market share through great online advertising.”

The winners for the 2010 Regional Award category are:

Best Engagement Ad: Advertising that has successfully drawn the attention of consumers and encouraged participation in activities such as downloading, uploading, sharing information, participating in games and competitions.

Outstanding: Gender Brain Power Competition, Cerebos International Health (Taiwan)

Merit: KFC Black Pepper Crunch, KFC Holdings (Malaysia)  

Merit: Nokia X6, Nokia (Hong Kong)

Best Rich Media Ad Front Page: Outstanding creative streaming, expanding, floating, surveying, audio, video and other new format presentations on a Yahoo! Front Page.

Outstanding: Coca-Cola 2009 Brrr Campaign, Coca-Cola Far East (Taiwan)

Merit: Look Who Needs Core, Intel (Taiwan)

Merit: BMW 2010, BMW (Korea)

Best Rich Media Ad Inner Page: Outstanding creative streaming, expanding, floating, surveying, audio, video and other new format presentations on Yahoo! Inner Pages.

Outstanding: Les Must Collection, Richemond Asia Pacific for Cartier (Hong Kong)

Merit: Heineken New Can Launch, Heineken (Taiwan)

Merit:  VW Golf R, Volkswagen (Singapore)

Best Integrated Campaign: An online marketing campaign that combines several online marketing solutions to create an impactful advertising campaign.

Outstanding: Let’s Compose Lay’s Happy Song Together, Pepsico Foods (Taiwan)

Merit: Shanghai Expo, Taiwan Pavilion, Taipei World Trade Centre (Taiwan)

Merit: True Ford, Ford Lio Ho Motor (Taiwan)


Originating from Yahoo! in the United States, the Yahoo! Big Idea Chair Award is a leading global event which has been held around the world from United States to the United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, India, Japan, Brazil, Italy, Mexico and Taiwan.