Ma Yan to lead Outdoor jury at AdFest 2011

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Lo Sheung Yan.jpgExecutive Creative Director for North East Asia at JWT and Chairman of JWT China, Sheung Yan Lo, will be Jury President of Outdoor Lotus at ADFEST 2011. Known as ‘Ma Yan’ amongst his peers, Sheung Yan Lo has played a major role in JWT’s emergence as China’s most awarded agency – in fact, Ma Yan was recently named as one of 30 of the most outstanding industry leaders in China over the last 30 years.

“As an executive who is playing a major role in shaping the fastest-growing advertising market in the world, Ma Yan offers a unique perspective on advertising in the Asia Pacific, and I think he’ll bring a unique perspective to the Outdoor Jury session,” says Jimmy Lam, President of ADFEST.

Ma Yan is a member of C.A.S.H. (Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong), as writing lyrics for Cantonese pop songs is one of his favorite hobbies.