DDB Group Singapore opens an online shop to bring product ideas from agency staff to life
DDB Singapore has created Degree, a creative merchandise division that brings product ideas from agency staff to life and merchandises them. It involves collaboration between the idea creators in the agency and astute business marketers.
It’s simple the way it works. The agency funds the production, sale and shipping of any idea that it thinks has potential and shares the profit with the staffer who came up with it.
“DDB Singapore is close to 300 people and our three floors of office are bursting at the seams with young and talented people,” said ECD Joji Jacob. “Needless to say, there are a lot of very creative ideas floating around. Ideas that pop up during brainstorm sessions, pitches, projects or while just getting hammered. And not necessarily just from the creative folks. Ideas that for some reason or the other, don’t become a reality.”
When a DDB staffer has an idea DDB Degree funds its production and marketing. The profits are then shared between the staffer and Degree, with the former keeping the majority of it. Degree’s share of the profit is funnelled back into funding the next idea.
A week into the launch and Degree has sold stuff upwards of USD1,000. The plan is to open this up to the DDB network worldwide and to design, art and communication schools in the coming months.
Very cool Joel!
production bills to pay?
This IS a cool idea. Why so sour 4:51?
It’s a good platform to ‘creative laundry’ the scam ads/ posters/ etc and make it eligible for the awards. 😀