Press yes to save the lives of Fukushima animals
These are real Fukushima animals. The objective in this print campaign from Grey Tokyo is to raise the awareness of the Fukushima voluntary group SORA’s activities to save Fukushima animals.
Many animals were left behind around the Fukushima nuclear power plants when the disaster struck in 2011. Many animals lost their owners, and were dead.
People are voluntarily trying to save the animals in Fukushima areas affected by radiation, but they have been in a struggle to fully maintain their activities due to a lack of manpower and donations.
Credits – Creative Director: Koichi Hosoy. Art Directors: Ryo Hasegawa, Takenori Aoki. Producer: Seiji Kato. Assoc Art Director: Eriko Kumakura. Photographer: SORA. Designers: Ryo Hasegawa, Nana Wakae.