Cong Chi Duong comes on board at Square Box Cinetech Films in Jakarta in senior producer role


Cong Chi Duong.jpgCong Chi Duong (Kong) has joined Square Box Cinetech Films in Jakarta as a Senior Producer. He joins from SudEst Production in Vietnam, where he has worked for the past seven years.

Cong (left) received his training in Film at La Trope University, Australia in 2004. Since coming on board with SudEst Prodocuction in Viet Nam as a producer in 2006, he’s produced an impressive body of works, including a Dai Viet beer spot that won the Golden Bell for Best Visual Effects in 2007. His directing debut on a TVC for the Vietnamese Yellow Pages also earned him a Runner-Up prize for Best Director.

“After 7 years working for SudEst Production in Vietnam, I felt that I needed a change,” said Cong. “All ‘roads’ in the industry in Vietnam were becoming very safe and flat for me and I needed greater motivation. So I decided to take a chance to move overseas for the next step in my career and Square Box Cinetech Films is giving me great challenges. My passion is to be cracking into this market and produce great works and also fullfil my ambition to produce international standard work.”