MD Entertainment partners with Bullseye

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MD2.jpgIndonesian-based television production company MD Entertainment has signed up Bullseye as a social media partner. Since being founded in 2003, MD Entertainment has produced some of Indonesia’s most popular soap operas including Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih (Red Onion and White Onion), a famous Cinderella-like legend.

MD has around 40 hours of their productions aired every week on Indonesian television, and manage some of the most famous TV stars in Indonesia. Through their productions and this social media partnership with Bullseye, MD is committed to entertainment quality which educates and provides important life messages.

This win marks the end of a successful year of Asia Pacific growth for Bullseye including other wins this year: PermataBank (one of Indonesia’s most innovative banks), Vitalac (a brand specialising in infant milk in the Danone family), and Jacques Lemans (international watch designers).