Applications open for BBH Asia Pacific and EDB’s second International Strategy Scholarship

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BBH_EDB logo.jpgCreative Agency BBH Asia Pacific and the Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB) have launched the process of application for the second intake of the joint EDB-BBH International Strategy Scholarship (ISS) following a successful first intake.

The ISS scholarship, a first of its kind initiative within the advertising and marketing industry, was launched in 2013 to address a gap within the strategy and planning sector with the long-term ambition of boosting Singapore’s position as a world-class marketing and communications hub.

The ISS scholarship is supported by the EDB as part of its plan to build up key manpower capabilities in Singapore’s workforce for emerging sectors through overseas attachment and training with leading companies.

Frank Reitgassl, Head of Strategy & Managing Partner BBH Asia Pacific said, “Planners have a clear, on-going mandate to give clear strategic direction to inspire ideas that create fame and effective business results for brands. BBH will expose these candidates to the best in the business with the aim that they will become the new generation of the industry’s top talent.”

Kelvin Wong, Assistant Managing Director, EDB commented, “As more global brands enter and seek to grow their business in this highly competitive region, never has there been a more important time for agencies to offer strategic counsel to clients and their business. EDB aims to tap into BBH’s world-renowned planning and creative excellence to offer candidates a solid foundation in the area of research and brand strategy.”

Under the Scholarship, three selected candidates will begin their training at BBH Asia Pacific (Singapore) and complete their training in BBH London over a period of 14 months. The programme is scheduled to commence in September 2014.

The grant is open to undergraduates who are Singapore citizens and permanent residents of Singapore.