Havas Worldwide Singapore + Red Cross launch ‘blood ties’ blood donation drive aimed at youth

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Red Cross Uploads.jpgHavas Worldwide Singapore in collaboration with Singapore Red Cross (SRC), has launched ‘Blood Ties’ – a campaign that seeks to recruit more youth for their latest blood donation drive initiative. The 2-day event was held at *Scape on 12 and 13 July 2014 with an aim to collect at least 300 units of blood.

Red Cross Blood Ties Poster_Nathan_Hartono.jpgRed Cross Blood Ties Poster_Victoria.jpgThe campaign profiles youth as catalysts of positive change, leveraging their ‘ties’ to inspire their circle of influence to donate blood. Drawing on the ‘selfie’ trend, ‘Blood Ties’ encourages youth to be part of the movement by declaring their passion – be it blogging, music, photography, acting, football or stand-up comedy – through a ‘selfie’. They will then upload these ‘selfies’ onto their respective social media channels, with the following hashtags: #bloodties #(state your passion here)inmyblood #sgredcross #ydcsg, as well as the details of the event to encourage their friends and followers to be part of the cause and save lives by donating their blood at ‘Blood Ties’. The crowdsourcing initiative is aimed at blood donation advocacy.

In order to engage more youth to become regular blood donors, ‘Blood Ties’ engages local celebrities and influencers to front the campaign. The list includes musicians The Sam Willows, AJ’s, Inch Chua and Nathan Hartono, entertainers Fadhlur Rahman, Divian Nair and Dee Kosh, comedian Rishi Budhrani, bloggers Peggy Chang, Victoria Cheng and Silver Ang – some of whom will be donating their blood at ‘Blood Ties’.

“Singapore is faced with an ageing population and an increase in demand of blood. We need to attract more young donors to give regularly so as to maintain a sustainable blood supply. Today, youth blood donors make up 31 per cent – a significant part of the donor population. We aim to increase that to 35 per cent. ‘Blood Ties’ is a great event that leverages a concept that the youth can relate to – which is about sharing and allowing others to live their passion,” said Benjamin William, Secretary General/ CEO of the Singapore Red Cross.

“The great thing about ‘Blood Ties’ is that, rather than a top-down approach, it allows youth to be ambassadors of this campaign. We aim to catalyse a new wave of blood donors, and we hope that ‘Blood Ties’ will also spur similar events in the future,” said Dan Gibson, Group Managing Director, Havas Worldwide Singapore. 

Credits – Chief Creative Officer: Victor Ng. Executive Creative Director: Andrew Hook. Creative Group Head: Beer Poonnotok. Art Directors: Farizal Akramhan, Candice Tang, Farhan Darma. Copywriter: Siraj Aziz. Designer/Studio Artist: Tracy Mah. Photographer: Jeremy Wong, Nemesis Pictures. Assistant Photographer ,Harpi Sim, Nemesis Pictures. Production Manager: Tan Hong Wee. Creative Services Manager: Dawn Choong. Group Account Director: Ai Mai Ong. Account Managers: Oh Jing Fang, Tajjlee Rahim.