Ogilvy & Mather Japan’s series of posters feature a wax off coupon for Estetica Brasil Beauty
Japanese woman are obsessed with beauty and personal care. In Tokyo alone there are thousands of beauty salons competing for business, offering every service imaginable. Estetica Brasil Beauty, a waxing salon, wanted to stand out amongst the crowd in a unique and original way.
Ogilvy & Mather Tokyo decided to create a series of posters with a 20% discount coupon that demonstrated quite literally the results of their service. The coupon was printed on a thin strip of transparent film almost invisible to the eye, except by a little tab that invited women to “peel it off”. The information to redeem the discount was typographically designed to look like hair, making the model on the poster look like she needed waxing. Posters were placed in high traffic areas, and passers by could simply ‘wax’ the coupon off the poster to use it in the salon.
Credits – Chief Creative Officer: Ajab Samrai. Creative Director: Federico Garcia. Copywriters: Eugene Gao, Federico Garcia. Art Director: Yousuke Ozawa.