Seven Sunday Films and Dentsu One deliver a cool icy world for Gudang Garam Shiver

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Gudang Garam.jpgSeven Sunday Films has teamed up with director Bo Krabbe and animation house Mirada Studios to bring to life an ice-cool world for Gudang Garam Shiver via Dentsu One.

From the opening scene, an edgy visual effects tone is employed in the creation of a CGI Shiver loading bar that becomes the physical expression of a tunnel a group of friends curiously discover. As the group runs into the tunnel to explore, they are enticed on by the glow of a turquoise colour that snakes around it, turning everything it touches into ice.

Gudang Garam2.jpgThe glowing thread leads the gang on, tempting them to arrive at a swimming pool in the center of the tunnel floor that sits before a DJ booth. As the ‘thread’ passes across it, the water freezes in its wake, frosting spreads across its surface to form a smooth, icy top… the pool is now the perfect dance floor for the friends to party the night away on.

“The post team who created the hero of the film – the cool CG glowing thread, has done a tremendous job,” said Diah Hermawati, AV production manager at Denstu One. “President of Mirada Studios, John Fragomeni, and his VFX team, delivered more than we hoped for when it came to creating an authentic ‘cool thread’ and convincing freezing effects.”

Gudang Garam3.jpgFragomeni said, “GG Shiver was a fun, smooth project to be a part of, our team had a blast working on it and this shows in the quality of the work. As always, director Bo Krabbe was a delight to work with and Seven Sunday producer Rachel Srisumarsih was a great conduit of communication and very supportive throughout the entire process.”

Addrie Basuki, group head brand GG Mild Gudang Garam, said, “Shiver TVCs are always challenging because they are a collaboration between style, technology and product information. With a world-class director like Bo Krabbe and the international network of Seven Sunday, the team delivered on an impactful ad.”

“In terms of the story line, it’s simple but unique,” explains Seven Sunday Films executive producer Rachel Srisumarsih. “The whole team was full of energy and excited about crafting the film. Overall, it was a great collaboration with director Bo Krabbe, Mirada Studios and Dentsu One,” she said.