Madhya Pradesh Police and The Social Street Mumbai’s print warns about filtering content

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MP Police - home.jpgWhile internet penetration in India is on a steep rise, the potential for misuse of social media posts is an alien concept to most Indians who are online. As compared to normal crimes which they consider tangible, people do not understand the fact that a simple post might put information in a public domain, which could effectively invite trouble to their doorstep. The Police department at Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, wanted The Social Street Mumbai to create a newspaper campaign to create awareness about this topic, and ensure that people paid attention and filtered out sensitive content from their posts, as well as became more critical of people who were watching them on their social media feeds.


Credits  – Chief Creative Officer: Deepak Singh. Creative Team: Smriti Shadra, Vikash Kumar, Kailash Chandra, Ahana Chaudhuri. Production House: Twin Brains.