Creativeland Asia’s spot features two cool cows to promote Havmor India’s real milk ice cream
Havmor is the second largest real milk ice cream brand in India and is known for its unique and innovative offerings.
In line with its core brand philosophy and as part of a strategic brand repositioning exercise, Havmor has released its latest #MadeOfMilk series with two Cool Gaiz (cows).
Conceptualised by Creativeland Asia, which recently won the brand’s creative duties, this is the first in a series of 3 second to 20 second spots highlighting Havmor’s proposition of real milk ice cream.
#MadeOfMilk has been launched with an aim to create a property that reflects what Havmor stands for. The insight behind the series, is to grab the attention of the consumer and create a lasting impression of the brand message. The ten second film shows two animated cows in a cold barn who are obsessed with Havmor Ice Cream.
Chaitanya Rele, VP – Head of Marketing, Havmor Ice Cream Ltd. said, “We want to establish Havmor as a brand synonymous with real milk ice cream. And who better to tell this story than cows themselves. The communication for Havmor has always been fun filled and vibrant as the brand stands for goodness made real, and #MadeOfMilk pushes that thought further in a humorous way. With the help of the two Cool Gaiz, we want to catch the attention of the audience and make the brand memorable.”
Sajan Raj Kurup, Founder & Creative Chairman, Creativeland Asia Group said, “In a world where our attention span is diminishing and every second matters, we have decided to create a series of 3 second to 20 second spots for Havmor Ice Cream. Even in the shortest duration, the message that Havmor Ice Creams are made from real milk has been built in both, subliminally and explicitly. The first in the series is a 10 second spot that very strategically focuses on familiarizing people with the brand name. I am pretty sure it will be a clutter-breaker.”