Call for entries to Campaign Brief’s The Work 2018; FREE to Enter ~ deadline Wed 28 February
The Call for Entries to The Work 2018 is out and it’s FREE to enter.
The deadline is Wednesday 28th February, 2018.
Now in its 16th year, The Work features the very best advertising of the year from Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Published by Campaign Brief, The Work is recognised as a true record of creativity for the entire region. Acceptances to The Work 2018 count in the Campaign Brief Asia Creative Rankings.
There are three things that differentiate The Work 2018 from traditional award shows:
Firstly, entries are FREE.
Secondly, we are selective – to qualify for entry the ad or campaign must have already passed the test and been a finalist or winner at an awards show.
Thirdly, there are no wasted entry fees – only entries that are accepted into The Work incur an acceptance fee.
All entries are uploaded online: Judging will take place mid March and notifications of acceptances will be sent out early April 2018. Accepted work will be featured on The Work 2018 website.
STEP 1. The first step is to register and then log in here. Then follow the upload instructions.
Read this bit: EVERY entry to The Work 2018 must have already “passed the test” and been a WINNER or a FINALIST at a recognised city, national, regional or international awards show between January 1st, 2017 and January 31st, 2018.
Entries are open to all agencies, production companies, individuals and suppliers who are based in Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Ads that have already been entered in The Work in previous years can not be entered again.
Entry is FREE. This is not another awards show. The Work is all about recording and recognising the best ads from our region. If your entry is accepted into The Work there will be an ACCEPTANCE FEE of AUD$200 for each single entry and AUD$350 for campaign entries.
In this way there are no wasted entry fees! If none of your entries are selected to appear in The Work there is no fee to be paid. Similarly if your budget this year only stretch to 2 or 3 acceptances – just enter your best 2 or 3 pieces of work.
Entry deadline is Wednesday February 28th, 2018.
Step 1 – Register
Fill in your details/password and register. You will immediately receive an email from The Work asking you to confirm your registration. Click on the link emailed to you to confirm. (If you do not get it within 2 minutes look in your spam folder).
Once you have registered you only need to use the “log in” area when you return to update your entries or add more entries.
Step 2 – In the “My entries” area start your entry: select “Country”; select “Category”; and fill in “Client Brand and Title of Entry” using a dash (-) between the two. I.E: Burger King – McWhopper. Then click “Save + Next” button.
Step 3 – Fill in the “Details & Credits” area. These credits appear with the entry if it is accepted into The Work so please include all agency and production credits. Then click “Save + Next” button.
Step 4 – Fill in the “Awards Won” area. List all major awards the ad/campaign has won. Then click “Save + Next” button.
Step 5 – Add campaign/single attachments and any case study or commercial here. For print Ads/Campaigns click “Add Attachments” and upload file with the entry title. For multiple entries in the campaign click “Add Attachments” to upload the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc etc ad in the campaign with each entry title. If you are entering a Film category or a category that is using a case study video then click “Add Attachments” to upload a key still from the Film or Case Study video then click on “Add URL Link” and upload the URL link to the Film or Case Study (YouTube or Vimeo links preferred). If you are entering a campaign then upload a key still; different title and a different YouTube or Vimeo link for each part of the campaign.
Step 6 – Does your campaign have a website as part of the campaign? If so add the link here.
Step 7 – Once you have completed everything click “Submit Entry” and your entry is uploaded and submitted for judging. If you click “Save + Close” this saves the entry but DOES NOT finalise and submit the entry for judging. You must click “Submit Entry” to finalise the process.
All your entries and the status of each can be seen at the bottom of your “My Entries” page.
To be considered for judging the status of each entry should read “Submitted”. At any stage before the entry deadline you can go back into any entry and edit, add or delete details to the entry.