BBDO India’s Josy Paul, Unilever’s David Porter and Kantar’s Anne Rayner named jury presidents at 2019 Asia Pacific Tambuli Awards

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Josy Pic Col copy.jpgThe Asia Pacific Tambuli Awards has announced its jury presidents for 2019. Josy Paul, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of BBDO India (pictured left), leads the Creative Executive Jury; David Porter, Unilever Vice President for Media – Asia, Africa, Middle East, Turkey & Russia (pictured below top), heads the Media & Digital Executive Jury; and Anne Rayner, Kantar’s Chief Solutions Officer, North Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific & CEO, Cambodia and Myanmar (pictured below), for the Humanity & Culture Executive Jury. As earlier announced, Ronald Ng, Isobar’s Global Chief Creative Officer leads the jury as chairman.


Unilever’s David Porter comments, “I am really excited to be part of the APAC Tambuli Awards – what a brilliant concept! At Unilever we work really hard to run campaigns which deliver business results through brands with purpose. We know it works and we know that this approach is gaining great momentum in other organizations as well. I can’t wait to discover – and to celebrate – the very best work in this area, the epitome of modern marketing.”

DavidPorterUnilever2.jpgAnne Rayner.jpgNg asserts, “I’m absolutely honored to head the APAC Tambuli Jury. In this moment where people are aligning their purchase choices with the values of the brands they consume more than ever before, we’re looking forward to celebrating businesses that thrive when they intersect creativity, purpose and business.”


The pioneer award show globally that honors creative and effective brands with purpose, the APAC Tambuli Awards celebrates brands that show the seamless integration of creativity + purpose + results. Case study entries must demonstrate how brands uplift society, create positive change, and correlate purpose with purchase.


The APAC Tambuli Awards is not an award on charity, advocacy, pro bono, or CSR advertising, even if those campaigns are welcome and encouraged to enter. The award, however, focuses on mainstream brand campaigns that celebrate humanity, inspire purpose, and deliver results.


Deadline for submission of entries is on March 29, 2018. The complete list of categories and entry form are available here. For inquiries, email

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