This Independence Day 22feet Tribal Worldwide and McDonald’s tell the story of the #TrulyIndianBurger

McDonald’s is often looked at as the quintessential western brand. This often leads people to assume that the house favourite burgers from McDonald’s India are also western in their origin.
In an attempt to bust this myth and create awareness about the sourcing story and Indian origin of McDonald’s India’s food, this Independence Day, Hardcastle Restaurants Pvt. Ltd. (HRPL), the master franchisee of McDonald’s in West and South India, is telling the fascinating story of the “Truly Indian Burger”. Conceptualized and executed by the 22feet Tribal Worldwide, the ‘Truly Indian Burger’ campaign explains how the McDonald’s burgers are an amalgamation of the best agricultural produce from across India.
Led by three 15-seconder digital films, the campaign is being further supported by an interactive microsite (best experienced on mobile handsets) which tells the sourcing stories of key ingredients of McDonald’s food products in an engaging way. People visiting restaurants can simply scan the QR Code on the tray-mat to know the sourcing story of their favourite burger. The campaign has cumulatively reached over 1 million people.

Each time you bite into your favourite McVeggie Burger, aren’t you thrilled to taste the fresh, crunchy lettuce? It’s no ordinary lettuce, but the Iceberg variety which makes its way to your plate from the mountains of the Nilgiris. Fun fact – McDonald’s pioneered lettuce farming in India. There was no locally-grown good-quality lettuce available in India till McDonald’s introduced it into farming in India.
The second film- Jalapenos, talk about the burst of flavour every time you bite into the jalapenos in your Maharaja Mac burger. Where do you guess McDonald’s gets those from? Mexico? Spain? Naah! These spicy jalapenos in your burger come from the state of Karnataka. Mind-blowing, isn’t it?
What about everyone’s favourite McAloo Tikki? Have you wondered what makes it so special? The delectable burger that’s now a global favourite is made from potatoes grown exclusively for McDonald’s India in the state of Gujarat. And the Whole Wheat Buns, that everyone loves so much, are from Maharashtra! This story has been aptly captured in the campaign’s third film.
So, there is a bit of India in every bite of your delicious McDonald’s burger!
Arvind RP, Director –Marketing and Communications, HRPL said, “Our goal has always been to only use the best and the freshest ingredients to make the food we serve. To ensure this, over the years, we have invested significantly to bring in global best practices and the latest farming technologies to India that empower our farmers to locally grow and produce world-class ingredients.”
Gaurav Magotra, Business Head- West, 22feet Tribal Worldwide added, “There is a lot of effort that goes behind making the perfect burgers that we eat at the McDonald’s stores. The brief for us was to tell the right story- the Good Food Story of locally ingredients sourced from different parts of India. And what better occasion than Independence Day to talk about the food that is truly Indian. #TrulyIndianBurger celebrates a little bit of India that is present in all the McDonalds burgers.”
They say that Unity in Diversity is the true representation of Indian culture. And this Independence Day, McDonald’s India is celebrating the diversity of its ingredients. Because why not! After all, these burgers are as Indian as they get.
Credits –
Content: Vivek Bhatia, Deepshikha Mishra, Dhruvi Pandya
Design: Siddesh Sapte, Mallika Amlani, Trupti Jadhav
Business Management: Gaurav Magotra, Raghav Chitra, Gatlin Raberts, Sonali Savla
Tech: Shravan Date, Vijay Khamitkar, Vinod Vishwakarma
Analytics: Prateek Vora, Ishaque Shaikh
Production: Beyond Studios