NZ Government’s ‘For tomorrow’ spot via Clemenger BBDO Wellington and FINCH achieves successful shoot during unprecedented times

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The New Zealand Government’s new spot for COVID-19 communication reminds Kiwis that we’re in this together, and the stronger we are today, the sooner we will welcome tomorrow. Getting the message out was an urgent task and Clemenger BBDO tapped FINCH with the challenge of producing the spot safely, with less than a week from script to the film needing to be on air.


FINCH director Zia Mandviwalla and EP Rebekah ‘Bex’ Kelly put together a nimble team spread across the country that could work remotely, with all location and production prep done by each individual from the safety of their home. Post-production was also conducted remotely. The director, producer, agency, and client were remote, and communicated with each other via various screen sharing services.

The on set crews were comprised of the strictest minimum numbers, operating at a careful pace to ensure full compliance with social distancing, operating with contactless deliveries, and following all relevant health and safety regulations. Covid-19 guidelines and permissions were followed at all times. We live streamed the shoot wherever possible, so that the Director and Agency could be watching the shots as they happened and providing real time feedback, to ensure the creative was the best it could be.

Says Kelly: “This was a great case study of how our industry can continue to adapt to the changing world we find ourselves in. Our crew was amazing, and from the Hokianga to the deep South, came on board with much interest for a new way of working.”

Says Mandviwalla: “The aim of the piece is to encourage New Zealanders to stay the course in lockdown in a way that is powerful, stirring and heartwarming. Though these places and spaces are empty right now, they are imbued with our humanity and are still there, waiting for our return. We wanted to remind New Zealand of that – remind them of what we are saving. The mood of the country is changing day to day and we wanted to make something that reflected the present day sentiment so working to an exceptionally tight time frame was crucial.

“Our search for locations took place via our bubbles, with location scouts in different parts of the country offering up places and spaces. We called around our community of filmmakers to find out where people were isolating and if they could shoot for us. Though we were all socially distanced, the entire crew was in constant collaboration, working as one cohesive team every step of the way.”

Says Brigid Alkema, executive creative director, Clemenger BBDO: “This special project revealed the potential for us in a business future requiring maximum agility. It evolved our sense of what’s necessary and unnecessary in our processes. And perhaps most importantly, it reminded us of the immense creativity inside each of our people, and the power of imagination to solve problems in uncharted waters.”

Title: For Tomorrow
Director: Zia Mandviwalla
Agency: Clemenger BBDO
Production Company: FINCH