FRED & FARID Shanghai launches excellence takes time, taste it now campaign for Rémy Martin XO

Rémy Martin teams up with renowned Chinese actor Yifeng Li, and opens a new chapter for XO in China. Excellence takes time, taste it now, a new chapter celebrating the idea of enjoying excellence now rather than waiting for the ‘better moment’, or the ‘righter age’. An integrated campaign created with FRED & FARID Shanghai.
Rémy Martin XO is known to be a product of excellence, it is the icon of Rémy Martin, the signature of its Cellar Master – Baptiste Loiseau; it’s a blend of up to 400 different eaux de vies to reach its full aromatic complexity.
Yes, to make XO does take time, but to appreciate it shouldn’t; sure, excellence requires talent, passion and a long term commitment in its making but we don’t need to wait to let it surprise us, inspire us, drive us.
In an integrated campaign imagined in collaboration with FRED & FARID Shanghai, Yifeng Li narrates a story that encourages all of us to enjoy our golden years today; leveraging on the growing desire among Chinese novelty seekers and entrepreneurs to celebrate their daily successes now, sharing it together with the ones they love or admire.
The communication platform “久闻不久等” (Excellence takes time, taste it now) establishes this parallel in both Cognac and Life; it’s a mindset, an attitude in life where taking the greatest from life shouldn’t be a question of age.
Teaming up with Yifeng Li and Rémy Martin XO, are globally recognized creatives including Hanan Townshend, world–renowned musical composer (best known for his work in Terrence Malick films such as The Tree of Life, Knight of Cups, and To the Wonder.); Kiku Ohe, award winning Australian filmmaker; Liang Zi, acclaimed Chinese cinematographer; and contemporary Chinese calligraphy artist, Zhu Jingyi.
Client: Rémy Martin XO
Title of the campaign: Excellence takes time, taste it now
Agency: FRED & FARID Shanghai
Chief creative officers: Fred & Farid
Executive creative director: Feng Huang
Creative director: Adrien Goris
Senior copywriter: Cao Wen
Assistant copywriter: Ya Yaru
Art director: Billy Liao
Designer: Zoy Wang
Agency supervisors: Severine Autret, Paul Lin, Quinn Jiang, Jenny Wei, Nina Yu
Agency producers: Charles Renard, Caroline Wei
Brand Strategists: Karen Ge, Karas Huang, Aaron Wang
Production company: Stink films
Director: Kiku Ohe
Exec. Producer: Sally.Shi Enqi
Producer: Sally.Shi Enqi