Tiger Beer says the first minute is on us as COVID restrictions on alcohol ease in Singapore

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Tiger Beer says the first minute is on us as COVID restrictions on alcohol ease in Singapore

It’s been 2-years since Singaporeans can drink past the curfew or enjoy live music, which has been a struggle for Singapore’s hospitality venues. But today, Singapore will finally lift several COVID restrictions including the current 10.30pm cut-off for alcohol sales and consumption.


To celebrate this moment, Tiger Beer is giving away a pint of Tiger or Tiger Crystal to dine-in consumers at participating outlets between 22:30 and 22:31 tonight to celebrate the bold step forward in the reopening of Singapore.

According to Tiger Beer, the first moment past 22:30 is a very symbolic time. It represents progress in a long journey for both F&B venues and for the people that have shown patience and resilience these past two years. There’s a lot of boldness in making sacrifices for the greater good; Tiger recognises that and wanted to give something back. By being a part of this much anticipated milestone, we’re able to contribute to an optimistic moment in an ongoing journey, and more importantly, able to really support local venues in the process – something Tiger Beer has been committed to doing for a while now.

Last Thursday, the government made the announcement that alcohol sales and consumption will be allowed at F&B outlets after 10.30pm from March 29. After hearing the news, Tiger and Publicis One Team Tiger saw an opportunity to celebrate this milestone, and for the past 24 hours, it’s been a race to launch ‘22:31’ – a promotional campaign that’s now running on social channels.

If you’re in Singapore tonight, check out the participating venues.

See more on Instagram.