Yogi Tapanati Simbolon signs on with BBDO Indonesia as new Creative Lead

BBDO Indonesia has recently brought on board local creative talent, Yogi Tapanati Simbolon as its new Creative Lead.
Simbolon, otherwise known as Tigor, will serve as creative lead at BBDO Indonesia and play an active role in helping to create compelling new work for the agency, which over the past year has created work for Exxon Mobil and landed more local duties for major brands like VISA among others.
Simbolon began his career as an e-reporter for an English-language tourism website before moving into the world of advertising, first as a copywriter, then advancing to the position of CD at a number of well-known multinational advertising agencies. At age 32, he became one of the youngest local Executive Creative Directors. To date, he has won more than 70 creative awards and while many people in the ad industry might find the prospect of dwelling into difficult or impossible pitches tedious, Simbolon finds it one of the most rewarding aspects of his job.
A few of his past projects included Extra Joss, an energy drink that was seeking ways to counteract local and foreign brands taking over the market. As a result, Simbolon developed “LAKI,” an Indonesian word that is impossible to directly translate, but that is most similar to the English word “manly.” In Indonesia, it quickly became known that no man was more “manly” than LAKI. And the brand proposition for the campaign became: “When you want energy, just drink an energy drink. But when you want to become LAKI, go and drink Extra Joss!”. With remarkable results, Extra Joss shot up the food chain in just a few months, and the brand still leads the Indonesian energy drink market today.
“I’m thrilled to take on this new role and to work closely with BBDO Indonesia’s talented team to develop the agency’s creative capabilities and create memorable content for clients that really hits home with Indonesian audiences,” says Simbolon.
Aviani Primasari, Managing Partner at BBDO Indonesia, said: “BBDO Indonesia is evolving, digital is becoming more and more important in Indonesia, and I’m confident that Tigor will further strengthen our digital capabilities and produce some truly powerful creative work that will help our clients grow locally.”