RIP Siddharth Rao, former CEO of Dentsu WebChutney

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RIP Siddharth Rao, former CEO of Dentsu WebChutney

Siddharth Rao, a co-founder and former CEO of WebChutney India has died. He suffered a heart attack on Friday whilst at home.


Rao co-founded WebChutney in 1999 and sold to Dentsu in 2013. In July 2021 Rao took up the global CEO role at Dentsu McGarrybowen. Last year he launched Punt Partners specialising marketing tech.

His former agency Dentsu WebChutney took to LinkedIn to pay their respects: “Just like all of you, we’re still coming to terms with the sudden and unfortunate demise of Sidharth Rao. All of us who’ve been at Webchutney, knew him not just as our founder or our super boss. For us, he was exactly how he’d like to call himself – ‘Daddy @ Webchutney.’ He was the guy who always had the loudest cheer at award functions. The guy who ensured that we worked hard and partied even harder. The guy who would always be more excited than us on our ideas. The guy who, god knows how and why, always had more faith in us than we had in ourselves. The guy who never shied away from casually instilling confidence by saying, “Tu karlega/karlegi.” The guy we all never knew would leave us so damn early. RIP Sid. The OG fauji.”