Rebirth Certificates give trans individuals much-awaited name and gender identity recognition
Propel Manila, Pride@Tech, and the Philippine Financial & Inter- Industry Pride have partnered on a landmark form of documentation for trans Filipinas and Filipinos – a Rebirth Certificate that recognizes your true name and gender identity.
Available from the Virtual Statistics Office of Truth at, this non-fungible token gives you ownership of who you really are. Something that the trans community in the Philippines cannot get with their Birth Certificate.
Pat del Castillo, co-founder of Pride@Tech, said: “Rebirth Certificates take a different and unique approach to how we use Web 3. This campaign enables trans people to use an NFT as a way to claim their true identity. And by minting it in the blockchain, their Rebirth Certificates will be indestructible.”
“We’re so excited to launch Rebirth Certificates,” said Raymund Sison, Partner and Creative Chief at Propel Manila. “We’re putting tech to good use, putting the spotlight on the trans community, which is often overlooked. And we plan to get the support of more companies, so Rebirth Certificates will have a truly transformative impact to our trans community.”
Advocacy Pillar Lead of Philippine Financial & Inter-industry Pride (PFIP) Dawn Mendoza sees great practical applications for Rebirth Certificates, with the support of companies.
Mendoza added: “I see Rebirth Certificates going beyond symbolism. By integrating it into our hiring systems, trans individuals are now more visible in workplaces because their chosen name and gender identities are acknowledged.”
Rebirth Certificates are available at, starting today, June 24, 2023.