CP Foods makes a giant leap into space via a wacky Thai film created by Wolf BKK

CP Foods are embarking on sending its chicken to the space station. CP, a world-leading food brand, wants to raise consumers’ awareness about chicken safety standards. Wolf Bkk collaborating with the brand, has taken a groundbreaking approach by sending chicken meat into space in order to provide food for astronauts at the International Space Station (ISS).
Food on Earth and in space has never been held to the same standard. Food for astronauts must be ‘the safest and most hygienic’. Moreover, it must require hundreds of tests from Nasa’s Food Lab in order to achieve the Space Food Safety Standard.
In this project, Wolf Bkk has to work closely with space agencies, scientists and R&D. This campaign not only benefits astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) but also raises the bar for food safety standards back on earth.
Now, people on Earth or in Space have exactly the same standard: Aerospace Quality Chicken.
CP is going to deliver chicken meat to The International Space Station (ISS) By the SpaceX Dragon.
Houston, We are Go for launch.
Agency: Wolf BKK, Thailand
Chief Creative Officer: Torsak Chuenprapar
Deputy Executive Creative Director: Nopharit Dusadeedumkoeng
Creative Group Head: Woottipong Lamangthong
Senior Copywriter: Anin Sriurairatana
Copywriter: Yarinda Ketjumpol
Art Director: Kanyaporn Longprasert, Smita Tronglakkana
Managing Director: Phannika Vongsayan
Business Director: Chonlatid Saenghiran
Group Communications Director: Pattra Ketsamathi
Communications Director: Thosaporn Kaewnurachadasorn
Communications Manager: Benchawan Ngamjiradawong, Naphat Chiangrat
Producer: Chanapat Srabua
Production Company: Suneta House
Director: Teerapol Suneta

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