Bestads Six of the Best Reviewed by Helen King, creative director, adidas, Amsterdam

Each week Bestads picks the very best advertising in the world, in every medium – which is reviewed by a top creative director or team to select their own personal favourites.
This week’s Bestads judge is Helen King, creative director at adidas global digital, Amsterdam.
Winner: Nando’s ‘Fiery times. Fired up Flavour.‘ I changed my mind about the Best TV about 6 times. There are some cute submissions this week. Nothing mind blowing, but a surprising number of giggles. Overall, I couldn’t help wondering “why are they so long – surely no one is running these ads on TV?” And maybe that’s why I found myself enjoying this Nando’s ad about chilling out more and more. In a world that is one fiery disaster after another this ad is the therapy, we all need. It’s time to calm down and enjoy the fired-up nonsense. READ ON…