THE WORK 2023 ASIA HOT LIST #1: Ogilvy Thailand

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THE WORK 2023 ASIA HOT LIST #1: Ogilvy Thailand

Who are the hottest creative performers in Campaign Brief’s The Work 2023? Asia is strongly represented in The Work 2023 and over the past week Campaign Brief Asia has showcased the work of the top creative agencies in Asia that made The Work 2023 Top 12 Asia Hot List… This year’s #1 agency in Asia is Ogilvy Thailand.


In #1 position on Asia’s Hot List and #2 in APAC is one of Asia’s outstanding creative performers. Always a beacon of creativity in Asia, Ogilvy Thailand has 32 Acceptances this year. The agency rises to #1 ranking in Asia from their #8 ranking in The Work 2022.

Ogilvy Thailand has been one of the top performing agency’s in THE WORK since 2017 when they placed #2 overall in APAC. In both 2020 and 2019 they performed even better – claiming the #1 spot overall in APAC.

Their most successful work this year was for ‘The Innocent Eyes’ for Voiz, which also scored London International Advertising Award 2022 Grand LIA, Gold, Silver and Spikes Asia 2023 Gold, Silver over the past 12 months.

Ogilvy’s other accepted work includes; Dutchie ‘Love Your Gut’, Dutch Mill ‘Carton of Milk’, Tourism Authority of Thailand/Amazing Thailand. ‘Culture to Commerce’, Freeland ‘Forests For Life’, Halls ‘Breath of Thailand’ and LEO ‘Kill The Boring Match’.

VIEW THE WORK 2023 (active from Tuesday August 1st)

192 agencies and producion companies entered The Work 2023. There were over 3,700 entries overall, with the most entries coming from Australia (1391), Thailand (579), Philippines (503), Taiwan (410), China (397) and New Zealand (370).