DDB Group Hong Kong says have fun with Hang Seng Bank credit card rewards upgrade

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DDB Group Hong Kong says have fun with Hang Seng Bank credit card rewards upgrade

Hang Seng has recently strengthened its card proposition by introducing a major revamp to its credit card rewards programme. The newly launched +FUN Dollars programme seamlessly integrates Hang Seng credit card services into everyday spending, which will enable customers to enjoy simpler, more personalised, and more diversified rewards and privileges. The upgrades and line-up of multiple offers are being communicated in a launch campaign via DDB Group Hong Kong.


Local celebrities, Do Do Cheng and Kaho, bring their genuine personalities and a dynamic chemistry to the campaign. At the heart of the campaign is a 3-minute video, following the story of Kaho in his role as Do Do Cheng’s assistant, helping her to finish the making of the Hang Seng +FUN Dollars commercial. The video captures many humorous moments between the two, whilst explaining the simplicity of the +FUN Dollars program and its multiple benefits.

Jordan Cheung, Chief Marketing Officer at Hang Seng Bank, said: “We wanted to champion this new phase for Hong Kong people – a life without restrictions, where people can make up for the tough past few years and get the most out of life… and that shouldn’t be made hard. We hope with this new programme that Hong Kong people actively seek out more ways to have fun, and by being rewarded for doing so, continue to make it a priority.”

Koman Ko, Managing Partner at DDB Group Hong Kong, said: “Hang Seng’s +FUN Dollars programme has so many great new benefits, but multiple messages can prove a challenge for marketing communications. We had to be careful to cover all the important information without overwhelming consumers, while ensuring the main benefit of enabling more fun came across loud and clear. The natural dynamic between Do Do Cheng and Kaho helped us to achieve this with an entertaining story.”

The campaign will run for one month and includes TV, YouTube, social and OOH medias.