FCN – Rovers Creative and Cargloss Paint introduce glow-in-the-dark marine paint to empower traditional fishermen in Indonesia

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FCN – Rovers Creative and Cargloss Paint introduce glow-in-the-dark marine paint to empower traditional fishermen in Indonesia

Indonesia, with its expansive 61,567 miles of coastline, holds a significant marine wealth valued at 20 trillion annually. However, despite this abundance, a staggering 90% of the country’s fishermen grapple with life below the poverty line. Understanding the challenges faced by traditional fishermen, Cargloss Paint has collaborated with Rovers Creative Indonesia to develop a groundbreaking solution – the EPOLAC Glow in the Dark Series.


Recognizing the vital role of light in attracting fish, large fishing vessels typically employ bright lights to lure their catch. In stark contrast, traditional fishermen, constrained by small boats and dim lanterns, struggle to reach the heart of the sea where the fish gather. The EPOLAC Glow in the Dark Series, an enhancement of the existing phosphor-based paint, is designed to illuminate underwater for up to 5 hours – aligning perfectly with the typical duration of their fishing trips.

In a move to further elevate this innovation, Rovers Creative (part of FCN Creative) has drawn inspiration from the Baruna mythology, infusing the paint’s design with symbolic elements.

Wirastomo Hadi, Creative Director at Rovers, said: “Baruna is the god of the sea who brightens the stars, symbolizing fortune at sea, and that’s the spirit of this innovation, bringing fortune to traditional fishermen.”

Easy to apply to any boat, fishermen can simply coat their vessels with EPOLAC and allow it to bask in sunlight for a few hours before setting off. This pioneering solution has demonstrated remarkable efficacy, drawing in a significant increase of 7-10 kg of fish per night. Looking ahead, Cargloss envisions enhancing the paint’s luminosity and endurance.

Founder of Cargloss, Harry Suherman, said: “We want to continuously innovate and become more advanced in this industry, including by making this paint glow longer and stronger to be able to use in many sectors our development and help the life of Indonesians.”

With this collaboration between Rovers Creative and Cargloss, the future of traditional fishing in Indonesia shines brighter, promising a prosperous journey for its hard working fishermen.

FCN – Rovers Creative and Cargloss Paint introduce glow-in-the-dark marine paint to empower traditional fishermen in Indonesia FCN – Rovers Creative and Cargloss Paint introduce glow-in-the-dark marine paint to empower traditional fishermen in Indonesia FCN – Rovers Creative and Cargloss Paint introduce glow-in-the-dark marine paint to empower traditional fishermen in Indonesia FCN – Rovers Creative and Cargloss Paint introduce glow-in-the-dark marine paint to empower traditional fishermen in Indonesia FCN – Rovers Creative and Cargloss Paint introduce glow-in-the-dark marine paint to empower traditional fishermen in Indonesia