THE WORK 2024 HOT LIST #11: Sour Bangkok

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There were several agencies in Asia that put in strong creative performances over the last 12 months. Over the next few days, we showcase the work of these high performers in Asia that made Campaign Brief’s THE WORK 2024 Hot List… Full coverage of THE WORK is announced on Tuesday August 6th.


Ranking #11 on the 2024 Hot List is Sour Bangkok. Their 18 Acceptances came from work including Sabina ‘Braless’, Netflix ‘Hunger Logo – The Hidden Knife’, Central Pattana ‘Fur-mily Mall’, SangSom ‘Som-Sang What’, Zen Restaurant ‘Bento Boss’, ‘Lunch Excuse Seaweed’ and ‘Priceless Menu’.

VIEW THE WORK 2024 (active from Tuesday August 6th)

THE WORK 2024 HOT LIST #11: Sour Bangkok