Wolf BKK’s Pandarie Somjit’s wrap-up and highlights of LIA Creative LIAisons in Las Vegas

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Wolf BKK’s Pandarie Somjit’s wrap-up and highlights of LIA Creative LIAisons in Las Vegas

Excitement made steady hands impossible —shaky but unforgettable.

Pandarie Somjit is Senior Copywriter at Wolf BKK. Somjit was one of the 125 talented young creatives, selected from around the globe, to attend the LIA Creative LIAisons training program that runs concurrently with the LIA judging week at the Encore Hotel in Las Vegas. Here she wraps up her learnings from her week.


After spending 18 hours on the plane and battling jet lag, I expected to attend a few creative workshops focused on generating groundbreaking ideas. But the experience at Creative LIAisons turned out to be something entirely different. We spent more time learning how to sell ideas, create the right conditions for creativity, and develop a creative mindset. It wasn’t just about the ideas—it was everything around and beyond them that inspired me on so many levels.

One of my most memorable experiences was definitely the LIA Statue jury discussions. I was assigned to the Branded Content and Branded Entertainment jury room, my second choice but destiny had other plans. I was destined to witness my first Grand Prix (of course I never expected it). Sitting at the back of the room, I was shaking with excitement, trying to stay calm and not scream. I watched as my work advanced from the shortlist to Gold, and finally to the Grand LIA. It felt so unreal.

Listening to the judges discuss my work alongside other incredible entries was overwhelming. Before the Grand discussion after lunch, something funny happened—they served Thai food! I was surprised to see food from my country travel all the way here, just like me and some other creative works from around the world (especially Asia). That’s why Beyond everything I learned, the diversity in the whole festival and the judging room stood out to me. It was fascinating to see how each judge viewed a piece of work through the lens of their different background. Ultimately, I realized that a good idea transcends language— great work always finds a way to overcome that “one-inch-tall” subtitle barrier and take home the win.

Wolf BKK’s Pandarie Somjit’s wrap-up and highlights of LIA Creative LIAisons in Las Vegas

Thai papaya salad made it to Las Vegas.

Reflecting on the week’s talks and panels, I found that the biggest takeaway was empathy— the art of understanding people to build great teams. This experience made me think deeply about my team, my clients, and my career journey so far.

Beyond the lessons, it was the people I met that made the experience truly special. It was amazing to discover that, despite being on opposite sides of the world, we shared common experiences and challenges in our field. One funny example: no matter the language—Thai or otherwise—art directors everywhere seem to ask us to make the copy shorter.

Wolf BKK’s Pandarie Somjit’s wrap-up and highlights of LIA Creative LIAisons in Las Vegas

Coming from a small agency of just 20 people on the other side of the world, I never expected to be selected for Creative LIAisons, sit in a jury room, meet incredible people, and win a Grand LIA. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime moment that will stay with me forever. It’s now a core memory, reigniting my passion for my work and inspiring me more than ever.

My advice for anyone attending next year:
● Don’t be shy to make friends.
● Have fun.