Fin Design + Effects Asia collaborates with Budweiser China and Accenture Song on their 2024 Olympic Games campaign
Fin Asia was recently invited to partner in creating the Budweiser Olympics campaign. They collaborated with the renowned director Joseph Kahn and the creative team at Accenture Song to bring the campaign to life.
Upon receiving the brief, Fin Asia learned that Usain Bolt would be filmed in Miami, while Jackson Wang and Fu YuanHui would be shot in Shanghai. Their task was to design and create the arena, as the Shanghai shoot would take place inside a studio surrounded by green screens.
Kicking off post-production alongside the shoot, Fin Asia crafted a semi-open arena and its surrounding cityscape. Every dot of light seen in the film resulted from a meticulous process where they placed buildings, signage, streetlights, beams, spotlights, LED screens, and pyrotechnics.
“Our team of CG artists and compositors combined their expertise, the right tools, and a meticulous eye to create each shot, resulting in a final product we are incredibly proud of,” said Fin Asia Founder and CEO, Emma Daines.
Summing up the project in a single line, Daines said: “Every shot in the film shouts out VFX!”

Client: Budweiser China
Agency: Accenture Song
Production Company: Filmate China
VFX Production: Fin Design + Effects Asia
Creative Director: Segundo Fernandez
Executive Producer: Emma Daines
Producer: Chye Yee Chow, Lexie Hsieh
CG Lead: Sean Baptist, Segundo Fernandez
CG Artist: Carlos Loggiodice, Chamishka Gamage, Yichen Gu, Xiaoming Liu, Ben Xue
Comp Lead: Joseph Tsang
Comp: Echo Zhao, Frankie Zhang, Xiaoxu Ran, Garkay Hu, Jack Chen
Colorist: Nick Barton
Flame Artist: Ted Tsui, Alison Feng
Graphics: Nako Chang