ComZone Asia creates new packaging for WelWel healthy snack launch in Asia

Welhunt, a Taiwan based global commodities trading conglomerate with cashew plantations in Cambodia, is this week set to roll out its own locally produced WelWel brand of Cashew Nuts into the healthy snack category market nationwide as designs for its launch packaging nears completion.
Working with ComZone Asia Welhunt tasked the agency to create a packaging design which “reflects the brand essence of irresistibly healthy flavours that bring happiness, comfort and smiles”.
To become relevant as a new home grown brand entering the market, Welhunt wanted to maintain a rich Khmer identity while at the same time create appeal and popularity in this competitive market segment. As a result the WelWel brand’s introductory launch design features a soft graphic illustration of Angkor Wat surrounding the top of the pack that is supported by refreshingly bright natural colours, modern decorative motifs and product images.
Lee Kuie Chih, founder and CEO of Welhunt Agriculture Technology (Cambodia), Welhunt’s Cambodian subsidiary responsible for developing the WelWel brand, said, “Given that the brand is new coming into the market, when it came to something as fundamental as packaging, we wanted to ensure we have a strong and bold image that stands out among competitors without losing our identity as a local home grown cashew producer that offers sustainable commercial and retail packed cashew products fresh from the farm to table.”

“The five introductory launch pack designs comprising popularly inspired flavours (Roasted, Salty, Spicy, Wasabi and Green Onion and Garlic) created by ComZone Asia has completely captured our brief to make our products stand out in the market and ensure brand appeal to younger target audiences,” said marketing and sales manager for Cambodia, Sokny Kang.
ComZone Asia’s CEO, Lundy So added, “Being eye catching on the shelf is key to a sustainable presence for the WelWel brand that is competing with more established regional, international as well as local brands. As Welhunt’s branding consultant and partner, we are committed to working towards making the WelWel brand a true beacon for the healthy snack market category in Cambodia.”
“WelWel goals in the market place go well beyond mere market share success in the healthy snack category however. The brand is dedicated to being a showcase example of how a locally produced, carefully cultivated, quality controlled agricultural commodity can be ‘valued up’ into a ‘made in Cambodia’ healthy snack brand of choice local consumers will select over imported options. Inspired by Welhunt’s ‘Wonderful Land Wonderful Inheritance’ philosophy, WelWel has positioned the ‘made in Cambodia label’ as a brand advantage for quality globally,” said international sales manager, Vincent Lin.
“Cambodia has always been on top of our roll out plan, and will be one of the first countries where the WelWel brand is launched simultaneously together with the Taiwan, Vietnam, China and Russian markets, followed subsequently by other markets in Asia, the United States and Europe,” he added.
The introductory launch design comes at a time of expansion for the Cambodian economy that has seen gradual increases of local brands taking up more shelf spaces in retail outlets throughout the developing nation.