Propel Manila and WSI warn people of the risks of buying electronics from non-credible sources
Just a quick search online would tell you about all the horrors of online shopping. Propel Manila used this insight to create this simple and funny spot to help people know that buying electronics from non-credible source is like starring in your own horror movie.
The WSI brand captured the horrors of shopping electronics online, and turned real reviews into dark comedies. Set to classic horror musical pieces, we created three dark comedies about a computer with 30 day warranty and lasted only 31 days, a brand new earphones with an old lady singing, a long-awaited delivery that came empty all ending with our battlecry: Next time, don’t risk IT. This film is the first in the series.
Chief Creative Officer / Raymund Sison
Creative Director / Cookie Quevedo
Art Director / Hayami Kudo
Copywriter / Austin Tan
Art Director / Third Lorenzo
Agency Producer / Earl Guico
Client Services Director / AJ Marquez
Chief Executive Officer / JC Valenzuela
Chief Strategy Officer / Dean Dee
Account manager / Jem Orlina
Oliver Co/ Assistant to the President / We Sell IT Philippines
Ana Karissa Gabriel/ E-Commerce Product Manager/ We Sell IT Philippines
Maxlee Merida/ Lead Data Analyst/ Propel Manila
Ishka Maranan/ Data Analyst/ Propel Manila
Kelvin Uy/ Managing Director/ Kerplunk Studios
Andrew Florentino/ Arranger/ Kerplunk Studios
John Lorenz Padilla/ Arranger/ Kerplunk Studios
Carlo Lava/ Arranger/ Kerplunk Studios
Fitz Gerald Manto/ Sound Engineer/ Kerplunk Studios
MJ Bertumen/ Post Producer/ Tres Puntos Animation
Jojo Medalla/ Online Editor and Animator/ Tres Puntos Animation