Lion & Lion celebrates Raya without borders on TikTok through #RayaNiSayaRindu initiative

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Lion & Lion celebrates Raya without borders on TikTok through #RayaNiSayaRindu initiative

Lion & Lion has launched the #RayaNiSayaRindu initiative on Tiktok to extend the Eid al-Fitr festivities with foreign workers in Malaysia, and their loved ones in their respective home countries. In line with Lion & Lion’s tagline of being ‘Made To Impact’, the creatively-driven, digital-first agency had tall ambitions to act on their belief that everyone should be able to celebrate Eid – regardless of their nationality, culture and status.


The #RayaNiSayaRindu campaign was launched on TikTok on 1 May 2022 with a series of nine emotional stories told in Bahasa Indonesia, Urdu and Bengali – the most common languages spoken by foreigh workers in Malaysia. Based on local insights, the emotional stories hinged on the people, rituals and practices foreign workers missed the most as they celebrated Eid in Malaysia. Each emotional story drove users to the @RayaNiSayaRindu account on TikTok.

“Foreign workers make up a large part of our labour force in Malaysia, many of whom come from Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh. As we were working on client campaigns that centered upon 2022 being the first year Malaysians could balik kampung (return to one’s hometown) to celebrate with their loved ones in person since the pandemic, we couldn’t help but notice that not everyone shared the same luxury. Especially with Labour Day falling the day before Hari Raya this year,” says Claudia Low, Regional Head of Creative Content, Lion & Lion.

“We assembled a small, creative task force of culturally diverse Lions with personal connections to these communities, to craft our stories. We knew we had a powerful insight, but seeing our voiceover talents emotionally respond and resonate with our scripts in person made us realise the true value in our intention – to share their truth and make an impact within these communities,” she added.

“We chose to run our campaign on TikTok based on our deep understanding of our target audience. From our insights, we learned that entertainment through social media is an integral part of their everyday life, indicating that many of the foreign workers we wanted to reach out to are active on TikTok. Although TikTok is normally used to share humorous or fun content, we decided to disrupt the channel with emotional stories in order to capture attention and encourage participation. Our thinking paid off, because in only four days, we grew our community from 0 to 1,300 followers, with every one of our stories gaining more than 1,000 views,” says Ham Maghazeh, Regional Director of Social Media, Lion & Lion.


Creative Agency: Lion & Lion
Regional Chief Creative Officer: Cheelip Ong
Regional Social Media Director: Ham Maghazeh
Social Media Team Lead: Ezum Butt
Regional Head of Creative Content: Claudia Low
Business Director: Wai Sim Liew
Associate Client Director: Denise Lee
Creative Director: Hans Lee
Creative Group Heads: Adrian Ng, Pingkan Lestari
Art Director: Cheryl Phang
Designers: Joshua Tan, Emelly Lim
Copywriters: Claudia Low, Amni Yusoff, Pingkan Lestari, Michael Panjaito, Ezum Butt, Yufen Yu

Lion & Lion celebrates Raya without borders on TikTok through #RayaNiSayaRindu initiative Lion & Lion celebrates Raya without borders on TikTok through #RayaNiSayaRindu initiative