Bestads Best of the Week Reviewed by Jack Christensen, Global CD, LePub, Milan

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Bestads Best of the Week Reviewed by Jack Christensen, Global CD, LePub, Milan

Each week Bestads picks the very best advertising in the world, in every medium – which is reviewed by a top creative director or team to select their own personal favourites.


This week’s guest judge is Jack Christensen, global creative director, LePub, Milan.

Winner: Palliative Care Queensland ‘The Cassette‘. I really enjoyed this approach to talking about a tricky subject. It can be tempting to overly tug at people’s heart strings with this kind of thing, but the use of stop-motion animation to drive the humour helped strike the right balance and really made me feel better about death, so I guess the ad achieved what it set out to do. CONTINUE READING…