OMD’s Barry Cupples for Dubai Lynx Media Jury

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Barry Cupples.jpgThe Dubai Lynx 2010 Media Jury will be led by Barry Cupples, CEO of Omnicom Media Group Asia Pacific.

As CEO of Omnicom Media Group’s (OMG) Asia Pacific region since October 2007, Cupples oversees media operations in 26 offices, spanning 13 countries. David Nobay, Creative Chairman of Droga5 Australia, will chair the Direct & Sales Promotion and Interactive Jury and Amir Kassaei, Chief Creative Officer of DDB Group Germany will head the TV/Cinema, Print, Outdoor and Radio Jury.

Cupples moved to OMG in 2006, serving both the media communicationscompany OMD and the newly-launched media services company PHD. UnderBarry’s leadership, OMD won significantly more awards on behalf ofclients than any other regional competitor and, for the fourth time,was named Media Magazine’s Media Agency of the Year in 2008.

“I am very honoured to have been asked to take part in such aprestigious event and I take the responsibility seriously to ensurethat the best work gets the recognition it will surely deserve. Greatwork is no respecter of borders and I am really excited at the prospectof seeing this year’s entries and the solutions to business challengesthat they will represent,” said Barry.

The Dubai Lynx Awards is the leading creative advertising competition for the Middle East and Africa.