Inspiration from The Random Camera Project

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Random Camera.jpgDroplets of rain on the window. Someone laughing. A busy traffic junction. Inspiration can come from anywhere and with Getty Images’ The Random Camera Project, conceptualized by Ogilvy RedCard Singapore, inspiration can be had through someone else’ eyes.

With the objective of communicating Getty Images’ portfolio of products to its target audience, Ogilvy Redcard developed a piece of direct mail that would highlight its wide product range in a lively and interactive way.

Ogilvy RedCard turned to Getty Images’ extensive imagery offering forinspiration and were able to create inspiring mood boards from thecontent found on their website. Putting together all the requiredelements – inspiration, images, user involvement, randomness – it wasbut a short jump to The Random Camera Project.

With 300 brandeddisposable cameras, Getty Images spread the word about the project andavailability was on a first come, first serve basis. Within two weeks,all the cameras were given out to the target audience of creativeprofessionals in the media industry in three markets: Singapore,Thailand and Hong Kong.

The challenge was to take pictures ofanything and everything with the cameras before returning them to GettyImages. Getty Images then processed the photos and in return, sent themsomeone else’s set of pictures. At the same time, all images wereuploaded onto a website for publicsharing and viewing, which is now live.