McCann Malaysia launch pap smear campaign
The National Cancer Society Malaysia aimed to encourage women to go for regular Pap smears as a preventive measure against cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting Malaysian women, with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection as a cause of nearly all cases, spreading through sex. There are no early symptoms, but having regular Pap smears (an early detection screening test) can reduce the risks. Despite the existence of this effective screening, the uptake is poor. Lack of knowledge about the cancer and the overshadow of social taboos are the most common reasons why many women avoid this life-saving medical check-up.
A poster campaign by McCann Erickson Malaysia encouraged women to have their Pap smears through direct and light-hearted long copy ads in a tongue-in-cheek tone and manner, turning a serious matter into something more accessible and acceptable. The posters were placed at nightclubs, gyms and popular F&B hang-outs in town.
Credits – Executive Creative Directors: Szu-Hung Lee, Hwa. Art Directors: Jerome Ooi, Hwa. Copywriters: Jennie Ban, Szu-Hung Lee. Designer: Chan Sze Mei. Account Manager: J.B. Ling.
i like the way this is approached. a great way of communicating serious info.
It’s been awhile since i’ve seen such honest work. Good job, McCann!
I hope this agency is not trying to hoodwink us into believing this is anything but a pro-active effort to win awards.
Having said that, the logo fucks it all up doesn’t it? Tricky business… you’ve got to know when to put in a logo and when to leave it out.
…says the anonymous commenter who hasn’t got anything to show…
careful. envy shoots at others and wounds itself.