Panadol for those big headaches
July 27 2011, 9:50 am | | 5 Comments
There are many situations in life that will give you massive headaches. But whatever the cause, Panadol’s the cure. In this campaign from Grey Group Singapore four unpredictable situations see Panadol tablets replace the protagonists’ big headaches.
Credits – Chief Creative Officer: Ali Shabaz. Copywriter: Joseph Cheong. Art Directors: Ang Sheng Jin, Raymond Chan. Account Directors: Tom Evans, Liza Kan, Michelle Yiu. Illustrator: Christopher Wong. Photographer: Teo Chai Guan (Teo Studios)
Looks like they are straight out of Mad Magazine by the cartoonist Sergio Aragonés.
Try to be original. Try harder.
Sorry, but, message I’m getting is… Panadol’s the big headache?
2.14 is right. Clean miss.
Ignore the haters. It’s fresh. Love your work, Mac.
Love to see the ad out there though…hang on, what’s that smell…hmmm..