Cannes Highlight: Cheil Worldwide’s 12 LIons represents their best Cannes performance ever


Camera.jpgOver the next week Campaign Brief Asia is highlighting some of the work that stood out for us from the recently concluded Cannes Lions. First up we have a big achievement from Korea.

Cheil Worldwide achieved its best performance ever by winning 12 Lions – 3 Gold, 4 Silver, 5 Bronze, including the first of the Promo & Activation Lions ever awarded for Samsung Electronics Insight Exhibition.

The Insight Exhibition won two Gold Lions in the Promo & Activation category. The exhibit shows Samsung Electronics’ philosophy – “technology makes people happy.” For the exhibition, visually impaired students were taught to take photos using their other senses. They took pictures relying on sounds, smells and textures. They captured on film everything they felt and imagined, and their photos were brought together in a special exhibition.


camera3.jpgNumerous visitors were moved and inspired by the students’ photos, which reached beyond what we see with our eyes. A $50,000-fund was created with the proceeds from the sales of the works, exhibition catalogues and the donation application. The money will be used for the next photography class for the visually impaired.

Sunny.jpgCheil also took home a Gold Direct Lion for its Emart Sunny Sale campaign. In a bid to lift sales during lunch time, the agency installed a shadow QR code using the sunlight and shadow, which works only from 12pm to 1pm. When the sun is at its zenith, the shadows line up, and it allows the code to be scanned for access to coupons.

Commenting on Cheil’s success, Terry Savage, Chairman of the Festival, said, “The fact that Cheil Worldwide won three golds, four silvers and five bronze is probably a better achievement than last year, because it wasn’t one piece of work Cheil won it with. Cheil won it on several pieces of work. It means a consistent level of excellence running through the work in the Festival, which is important to Cheil and important to its clients”

Highlights of the agency’s performance are:

2 Gold Lions – both Promo & Activation category

1 Gold Lion – Direct category

3 Silver Lions – Media, Mobile and Outdoor category

1 Bronze Lion – Direct category

1 Silver Lion – media category

2 Bronze Lions – both media category

1  Bronze Lion – Direct category

1 Bronze Lion – Promo & Activation category