Lucky Me and Publicis JimenezBasic wants families to reconnect in The Philippines

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LuckyMe.jpgLucky Me’s Kainang Pamilya Mahalaga aims to make family dinners in The Philippines a time for reconnection.

This year, a startling new discovery posted a challenge for our mission. A staggering 3 out of 4 teens in The Philippines refuse to dine frequently with their families. Parents have been using dinnertime as a venue to reprimand children, corrupting the situation and alienating the very people they should be forming a bond with.

The primary aim for the TV spot, created by Publicis JimenezBasic, is to communicate the effects of this phenomenon. Parents are usually overtaken with emotion and are not aware of the damage they are doing until it is too late. The campaign wanted to spotlight the consequences and translate it into a visual experience that it is as abrasive as the words they are using.

The agency wanted to spark self- realizations. But they also want to tell them that the situation is reparable.

A simple change in the way we say things transforms the dynamic of conversations at the table. Better conversations lead to better relationships and better relationships lead to tighter-knit families, a goal the campaign hopes to achieve with the help of a humble dinner table.