Minotaur and Nexplay are joining forces in a new alliance to redefine how brands engage with today’s connected, entert…
DDB Philippines is off to a stellar start in 2025, securing a major global brand as its newest client. The agency has be…
In an era where economic challenges and a cautious advertising landscape make pitch invitations scarcer than ever, Mulle…
Following a pitch process, Australian retail giant Myer has announced the appointment of Howatson+Company as its lead cr…
BLKW Toronto has announced that they have been selected as Riot Platform’s agency of record. Canadian based Korean…
CJ WORX Thailand has announced its contribution to one of the most significant entertainment and tourism sponsorship in …
McDonald’s Australia has confirmed that US agency Wieden+Kennedy has been added to its roster as an additional cre…
Music and sound specialist Ryan Dickinson has launched a new full-service music and sound offering – made by ikiga…
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) has appointed MullenLowe Singapore as its creative agency on record, with a re…
GroupM, WPP’s media investment group, has been appointed by L’Oréal Korea as its media planning and buying part…
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Minotaur and Nexplay are joining forces in a new alliance to redefine how brands engage with today’s connected, entert…
DDB Philippines is off to a stellar start in 2025, securing a major global brand as its newest client. The agency has be…
In an era where economic challenges and a cautious advertising landscape make pitch invitations scarcer than ever, Mulle…
Following a pitch process, Australian retail giant Myer has announced the appointment of Howatson+Company as its lead cr…
BLKW Toronto has announced that they have been selected as Riot Platform’s agency of record. Canadian based Korean…
CJ WORX Thailand has announced its contribution to one of the most significant entertainment and tourism sponsorship in …
McDonald’s Australia has confirmed that US agency Wieden+Kennedy has been added to its roster as an additional cre…
Music and sound specialist Ryan Dickinson has launched a new full-service music and sound offering – made by ikiga…
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) has appointed MullenLowe Singapore as its creative agency on record, with a re…
GroupM, WPP’s media investment group, has been appointed by L’Oréal Korea as its media planning and buying part…