The Bees Awards set for Nov 9 in San Francisco – first international social media award competition for communications and marketing professionals

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Screen shot 2010-06-02 at 9.02.42 PM.pngThe Bees Awards– The first international social media award competition forcommunications and marketing professionals. One-fifth of the planet’spopulation is active on social media platforms. The Bees Awards willshowcase how companies make the best use of new communication tools.This prestigious event will be held in San Francisco on November 9,2010.

“Social media is a growing phenomenon that calls for new communicationand marketing expertise,” said Bastien Beauchamp, founder of The BeesAwards. “Contrary to advertising, social media is ‘real’ – it involvesreal people, real conversations, real products, real companies and realbrands. Marketing legends David Ogilvy and Bill Bernbach advocated thenecessity of being in constant contact with the consumer’s reality. TheBees Awards will recognize those who have most expertly married thisoriginal spirit with today’s technology to create social media thattranscends all marketing that’s come before it. ”  

The Bees Awards Jury is composed of leading social media experts from around the world:


TheBeesAwards will also define, for the first time, the specialized categoriesin social media marketing. The judged categories willinclude:

    * Best 140 Characters (SMS, Tweet)

    * Best Use of a Micro-Blogging Platform

    * Best Use of a Social Media Platform

    * Best Use of mobile

    * Best Relationship With Bloggers

    * Best Conversation with Customers

    * Best Use of Alternative Tool(s)

    * Best Use of Media Press Room

    * Best Writing

    * Best Art Direction

    * Best Social CRM

    * Best Student Work

    * Best Innovation

    * Best Campaign

    * Agency of the Year

    * Client of the Year

The Deadline for Entry Submissions is October 1st, 2010. Nominees will be announced October 21st, 2010 at 7pm PST on the Bees Awards websiteand via Twitter (@beesawards  #beesawards). The Awards Gala will take place in San Francisco on November 9, 2010. It will be streamed live at and via Twitter (@beesawards #beesawards).

TheBees Awards seek to fill the gap in current marketing awardscompetitions by focusing solely on recognizing excellence in socialmedia across multiple platforms. The Bees Awards team has establishedthree key criteria:

   1. The Bees Awards are for communicationsand marketing professionals including: public relations and advertisingagencies, advertisers, consultants, freelancers, students, businessmanagers, and entrepreneurs.  People who pay or are paid to leveragesocial media tools to accomplish a corporate purpose may enter. Noother social media awards exist for social media marketingpractitioners.

   2. The Bees Awards are  the first social mediaaward show with representation from an international jury panel. Socialmedia has no boundaries, but every country has its own expertise andpractices.  The Bees Awards goal is to incorporate this ever-changingglobal knowledge base in its selection/judging process.

   3. TheBees Awards will be awarded for delivering excellence in the variouscategories as judged by a jury of expert practitioners. It is not aboutbeing famous; it’s about executing impressive communications that arerecognized by the jury to stimulate and challenge the industry. Thejury has the responsibility to be the guardians of emerging mediabrilliance  and to help give  direction to the industry.