True love from Tiger Beer

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Tiger-Feb14print1.jpgTiger-Feb14print2.jpgY&R Malaysia has launched a campaign for Tiger Beer this Valentine’s Day which takes a rather innovative approach to the traditional celebration of romance. To prepare beer drinkers for the inevitable onslaught of wine and champagne during Valentine’s Day, the campaign provides helpful ways on how to enjoy more Tiger Beer before and on February 14th. The work is being rolled out across the region (China, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Mongolia, Laos) and will employ a variety of media depending on the requirements of different markets.    


Commenting on the campaign, Edmond Neo APBL Marketing Director says “Our aim is to make Tiger Beer part of the Valentine’s Day celebration for men as well as ladies, by engaging them in a fun and cool way, with a bit of wit and cheekiness to the campaign.”


Y&R CCO Edward Ong said, “Valentine’s Day is normally owned by ‘romantic’ brands like hotels and jewelry brands for gifts and people usually celebrate with wine or champagne. So at this time of year, beer is not normally top of mind for consumers.   However, men more often than not find Valentine’s Day a hassle and would probably much rather be enjoying a beer with their friends.  So we’ve created a campaign which turns the usual Valentine’s tradition on its head and let’s men celebrate it with a bit of tongue in cheek humor with their lady friends.”

Campaign production credits:

Agency: Y&R Malaysia

CD – Edward Ong/ MUN/ Gigi Lee

Creative consultant: MunMovesMountains

Art director – Joshua Tay/ Adeline Chew/ Florence Lee

Account Director- Annie Boo

Photographer- Allen Dang, Wizard Photography