Global Alliance Nanking print campaign aims to highlight Japanese World War 2 crimes, via Ogilvy & Mather Vietnam and Singapore


Nanking-70 years ago.jpgOgilvy & Mather’s Vietnam and Singapore agencies have combined resources to create a new awareness campaign for the Global Alliance Asia-Pacific (Global Alliance For Preserving The History of WW11 in Asia).

The campaign aims to heighten the memory of Japanese war crimes committed during World War Two with the aim of pressuring the government of Japan to allow war crimes to be a matter of public record.

Credits – Executive Creative Director: Todd McCracken. Designers: Gill Clark. Len Cheeseman. Huy Anh Le. Bonnie Tram Nguyen. Joe Harris. BJ Galinato. Copywriters: Craig Love. Martin Sutcliffe. Todd McCracken. Art Directors: Todd McCracken. Len Cheeseman. Retouchers: Steve Cicala. Typographers: Gill Clark. Len Cheeseman.

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