Fill in the space with the fiits gif sticker an app created by Just in Case South Korea

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fiits South Korea is a furniture brand that only produces small furniture such as stools, coffee tables, side tables etc. The brand fiits stands for fill in the space.


In order to raise awareness of the brand, fits and Just In Case South Korea have created small furniture gif stickers to fill in spaces by utilizing giphy’s gif platform.

People are encouraged to open up their instagram, and take a photo of their spaces such as a living room, dining room, bedroom, etc. The next step is to click on the gif search for finding fiits gif furniture stickers to fill in the space. And when it’s done, you can save that gif posted on your instagram by hashtaging #fillinthespace #autumnvibesfiits

This campaign is running for 5 weeks. Each week a winner  is announced who will receive fiits side table “oliver” to fill in their space.