UBXED and Pitch Audio & Magic releases Halloween short film about the horrors of academic pressure on children

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UBXED and Pitch Audio & Magic releases Halloween short film about the horrors of academic pressure on children

What’s scarier than ghosts and ghouls to young children? Extreme parental pressure on them to constantly achieve and maintain excellent results. This horrifies them more than things that scare them in the night. While parents want their children to do well, exerting too much stress on their young minds can cause mental disorders like anxiety and depression.


“Fragile” is the second release in the “quarantine-inspired” series of stripped-down homemade short films from UBXED [unboxed] addressing topics concerning the welfare of children, and marks the second collaboration with Pitch Audio & Magic.


UBXED and Pitch Audio & Magic releases Halloween short film about the horrors of academic pressure on children UBXED and Pitch Audio & Magic releases Halloween short film about the horrors of academic pressure on children