Leo Burnett Indonesia creates “An Ode to Missed Travels” for new McDonald’s Indonesia burgers

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Leo Burnett Indonesia creates “An Ode to Missed Travels” for new McDonald’s Indonesia burgers

Leo Burnett Indonesia has created this campaign for McDonald’s Indonesia, dedicated to those who are left behind, stuck at work, nursing injuries or grounded by inclement weather. The film was directed by Kiran Koshy of Directors Think Tank in Malaysia.


One of McDonald’s most popular menus – Taste of the World – features different flavours from different parts of the world. This year, McDonald’s Indonesia took the menu to the next level by introducing two new burgers from different parts of the world.

But there was a problem. As the world was opening up, a different kind of craving has emerged: the need to travel again. How could McDonald’s convince people to taste a burger from a different part of the world, when they were focused on going there instead?

“This was the challenge posed to the team at Leo Burnett. A couple of brainstorms later, we stumbled upon an insight. Indonesians too were bitten by the travel bug. However, not everyone can travel because life in the form of financial constraints, work pressure, family commitments or climate change was getting in the way. While travelling was a possibility in the future, right now many were missing out,” explains Ravi Shanker, Chief Creative Officer at Leo Burnett Indonesia.

This led to the latest campaign, “An Ode to Missed Travels”, a film that features real and relatable moments in a witty manner.

“‘Taste of the World’ has always been a great platform for McDonald’s and we always look for fresh, new ways to drive relevance. We are all observing how after two years, everyone really wants to experience the true flavors of the world by traveling – but for those of us stuck at home due to practical realities, we really wanted to establish that this delicious menu is available from the comfort of your homes,” Michael Hartono, Director of Marcomm, CBI & Digital, McDonald’s Indonesia.


Client: McDonald’s Indonesia
Director of Marcomm, CBI & Digital: Michael Hartono
Associate Director of Marketing: Caroline Kurniadjaja
Managers of Marketing: Rio Hastowo & William Karmawan
Marketing Supervisor: Widya Novianta
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett Indonesia
CEO: Sony Nichani
CCO: Ravi Shanker
MD: Mudit Trivedi
Sr. CD: Thomas Vito
ACD: Netra Natarajan
Sr. AD: Patrick Van Diest
Creative: Asyifa Aufalida
Ass. Account Director: Bayu Fachran
Head of AV Producer: Budiarto Lambot
Sr. AV Producer: Anti Istianti
Production Company – Directors Think Tank, Malaysia
Director: Kiran Koshy
DOP: Kenz Koh
Editor: Daz
EP: Pete Singh, Pat Singh
Line Producer: Suraya Rezal
Production Manager: Ain Nasir
Post Producer: Sivagamy Jeevapragasam
Colorist: Katelyn Tan
Online: Sara
Post: Kyrin
Sound: Rodney Thomas
VO: Matt Bull
Production Design: Rachel Chong

Leo Burnett Indonesia creates “An Ode to Missed Travels” for new McDonald’s Indonesia burgers Leo Burnett Indonesia creates “An Ode to Missed Travels” for new McDonald’s Indonesia burgers Leo Burnett Indonesia creates “An Ode to Missed Travels” for new McDonald’s Indonesia burgers