Ted Lim talks ChatGPT at The Network One Indie Summit 2023 in Singapore

ChatGPT had just burst onto the scene when Julian Boulding, the President of The Network One asked Ted Lim to speak on the business of creativity at The 2023 Indie Summit in Singapore. The former Dentsu Regional Chief Creative Officer was intrigued by the noise created by ChatGPT and thought he could kill two birds with one stone – learn what he could about Generative AI in the weeks before the summit and share what he had learned at the summit.
Lim soon realised it was a BIG mistake.
“Just when I thought I had learned something about the subject, something new would pop up almost immediately. Endless streams of reports, articles and videos on Generative AI appeared daily. Friends in the tech industry sent me more. I had fallen into a rabbit hole and am still falling, with no idea when I will land and no forecast if the landing will be a soft or a hard one. Generative AI is work in progress.
“What is Generative AI? Just how powerful is it? What is its impact on our lives? What is the human cost of Generative AI? Is it legal? Is it our friend or our foe? Are we humans racing to replace the human race? I had many questions and found some answers from people smarter than me, including The Godfather of Artificial Intelligence, Geoffrey Hinton and tech entrepreneur, Elon Musk.
“I would like to thank Julian Boulding for this opportunity to step out of my comfort zone into the rabbit hole. I would also like to express my appreciation to Jay Soo for connecting me with Julian. Thank you, Stephanie Fox and Kathryn Williams for your support. Thank you, Andy Greenaway anton morgan Baris Gencel Damon Hakim Gary Tay george deren Guilet Libby Joel Lim Mario D’Andrea Paul Catmur Rob Belgiovane Terry Savage Yasuharu Sasaki Yvette Beltran for sharing your thoughts, articles and videos. And big hugs to all the participants from the US, UK, Canada, Africa, Middle East and Asia for your encouraging response. Kiri Sinclair Jari Lähdevuori Claus Wittenborg Anna Patterson Frank Cheng Koh Juat Muay 许月妹, AMIPRS Amie Chan Jason Foo Jung You Kim Heng AW”